Lhohee School in History
- 2008 ----
Lhohee School in 21 Century
Lhohee School was now a fully functional educational insitutuion with modern teaching and learning facilties along with safe and enjoyable learning environments with qulified friendly and dedicated teachers and staffs making the students ready for a successful living....
ޅޮހީސްކޫލް މިވުޖޫދަށް ނޭވާލީ 1967 ވަނަ އަހަރުގެ ފެބްރުއަރީ މަހުގެ 28 ވަނަ ދުވަހުއެވެ. މަދަރުސާހުޅުވުނު އިރު ޙަރަކާތްތެރި ވަމުން ދިޔައީ 30 އަށްވުރެ މަދު ދަރިވަރުންނާއިއެކު، ގަޑިފުރައިދޭ އެކެއް ނުވަތަ ދެ އެދުރުބެއިންނާއި އެކުއެވެ. އަދި 01 އޯގަސްޓް 2005 ން ފެށިގެން ހިނގަމުން އައިސްފައިވަނީ ސަރުކާރު ސްކޫލެއްގެ ގޮތުގައެވެ. މިއަދު ޅޮހީސްކޫލް މިވަނީ ދިވެހި މީޑިއަމުން އިނގިރޭސި މީޑިއަމަށް ބަދަލުވެ އޯލެވެލް އަށް ކިޔަވައިދެވޭ ފެންވަރަށް ޤާބިލުކަން ހޯދާފައެވެ. އަދި އޯލެވެލް އިމްތިޙާނު ހަދާ ސެންޓަރެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި ހަމަޖެހިފައިވާ ސްކޫލެކެވެ.
- 2007
O Level Introduced
The first batch of students sit on the Cambridge International Examinations with 31 students.
- 2015
A government School
Lhohee School became a goverment school and O Level was introduced.
- 28-2-1967
The Begining of Lhohee School
Lhohee School came into existence on 28th Feburuary 1967. Education was provided with only one teachers to around 30 students. The name was then "Makthabathul Anbariyya".